One Dance UK’s dance manifesto

One Dance UK recently launched its Manifesto for the dance sector, not only for the recent General Election, but as a longer-term vision for how policymakers can help support the UK dance sector. One Dance UK asks anyone with a passion for dance to share this Manifesto with local candidates and newly elected MPs, asking them to pledge their support to:

Enable every child and young person to have access to dance
Ensure a thriving dance sector post-Brexit
Harness the benefits of dance for public health and wellbeing
Foster equality of opportunity for dance artists and leaders
Improve dance artists’ working conditions
Champion UK dance at home and abroad

One Dance UK is a strong advocate for the unique and important role that dance has to play in education, health and wellbeing, community cohesion, social mobility and diversity, as well as being an art form that helps to drive the economy. Its Manifesto outlines the many ways policymakers can and should support dance, and it urges not only its members but anyone with a passion for the art form to share this with their local MPs, candidates and wider networks to start conversations, provoke thought and help it champion the message that dance has the power to unite and transform lives.

One Dance UK is the sector support organisation leading the way to a stronger, more vibrant and diverse dance sector. It provides one voice to:

• Support those working in the sector to achieve excellence in dance performance, education and management
• Advocate for the increased profile and importance of dance in all its diverse forms and settings
• Enhance dancers’ health, wellbeing and performance
• Identify gaps, provide opportunities and improve conditions for dance to be learnt, discussed and seen