Research in dance science for Elmhurst Ballet School

Elmhurst Ballet School, in collaboration with University of Wolverhampton and in association with Birmingham Royal Ballet, is currently at the forefront of research in dance science and is pioneering ways for dancers to avoid injury by introducing ground-breaking fitness and rehabilitation techniques. As a result, more dancers than ever can be pain free, and feel stronger and more confident.

The innovation, delivered by Performance Enhancement Coach Nico Kolokythas MSc, ASCC, PhD Student at University of Wolverhampton, gives dancers the option to sidestep surgery and return to an improved strength and fitness level observed at pre-injury. As a rule, Elmhurst Ballet School produces world class dancers through a holistic approach to training, education and health. This methodology therefore supports the intensity of full-time training and helps students to develop into independent, collaborative and versatile artists.

The Centre in which this takes place is unique to the professional dance school and worked closely between healthcare, artistic and boarding staff. The school currently offers students access to a range of health services including nurses; doctors; physiotherapy; nutrition advice; dance psychology; strength and conditioning; and performance enhancement coaching. Within the Centre, the focus is on eliminating the possibility of an operation by using all possible means available to promote rehabilitation of a pain. Evidence-based practise together with practise-based evidence guides the staff, working to develop foundation strength in dancers in order to be able to push their boundaries.

The school takes a holistic approach to professional dance training and believes students should thrive in a specialist vocational environment, with the three strands of its Live, Dance and Learn philosophies being equally important. Elmhurst aims to nurture the thinking classical ballet professional of the future – healthy and well-rounded human beings who are trained and educated to outstanding artistic and academic standards.