New Year, New You – meeting your dance resolutions

In January, on Monday, tomorrow – setting ourselves resolutions is something which never gets old. Bettering ourselves in the dance studio and feeling like we are progressing further along our dance journeys is hugely fulfilling, so the new year is a time when lots of dancers enjoy setting a few goals to aim for during the year ahead and beyond.

Whether it is becoming a better turner on the left (or right!) hand side, learning a new dance skill or simply reaching out to new dancing friends, 2016 looks set to welcome a multitude of resolutions as dancers return to the studios after a break. Creating goals is a process that requires motivation, in aspiring to achieve more and simultaneously enjoying the dance studio. Goals are also a chance to take an in-depth look at exactly what you want to achieve, and the attention and action the goals will require.

Goal setting and resolution-making is something personal and individual to each dancer. While there is no limit to your dancing dreams and goals you wish to master, success may be swifter by focusing on a select number of goals at one time, continuing to reflect your dreams, values and passions but also making sure they are attainable.

For some dancers, the ultimate dream is joining a professional dance company and performing on stage. If one day you would love to do this too, make sure you prepare: do your research and ensure you are building up the relevant and useful skills that will help make your dream a reality. Research schools, teachers, companies’ repertoire and become familiar with what is happening in the dance world. Take different classes to build up your skills and continue to hone your craft.

Be confident in class and embrace new challenges. If your objective in dance is simply to have fun and become the best dancer you can be, don’t forget why you love dance. This is especially important when you are faced with a tricky combination, or you suddenly end up on the studio floor without knowing how you got there – all you know is that it was the pirouette’s fault! Having a positive attitude is one of the best attributes a dancer can have and it can go a long way in ensuring you continue to achieve your dance goals. See challenges as an opportunity to grow into the best dancer you can be!

The New Year is also a great time to try new dance classes and skills: you might fall in love with a new technique, or discover your aptitude for a certain step or trick. If you attend a regular class at a dance school, it is easy to supplement your learning by attending open dance classes in other techniques and taken by different dance teachers. If you usually focus solely on ballet, why not temporarily lose the fifth position and try a contemporary class? If you are a keen tapper, why not try yoga or Pilates to add another dimension to your training? You could find new rhythms in a tap class and deeper stretches in a conditioning class, just don’t be afraid to try!

If your dance goals are more general, such as increasing your flexibility or strength, you can still measure your success in order to better your dancing self. A balance between strength and flexibility is important to all dancers because it helps in performing dance moves correctly and reduces the likelihood of injury, so working on improving this aspect of your technique is thoroughly beneficial. Set time each day to work on these aspects, in increasing your muscular flexibility and also the strength which lends itself to the control and grace of your movements.

Above all, take time to review your goals and consider how far you have come. Telling your dance teacher about your aims for the new dancing year mean they can help you to be accountable for your goals and give you a support system in providing pointers and corrections. With your teachers and peers helping to guide you towards your goals, and a positive outlook for the new year, it will soon be time to start thinking about the following year’s goals!