Former dancer and ballet teacher Ian Knowles has created a website comparing dancers’ pay and conditions across the world, launched to inform young dancers starting their careers. The site is named and appears to be the first of its type. It is to be used to compare useful data for dancers looking to join ballet companies in the UK, Western and Eastern Europe and the US, to be used as both a database and a resource.
Knowles has created the website with the view to inform newly graduated dancers of things that should be considered as they enter the world of work, based on feedback from dancers who have ‘been there, done that, and got the floor burns’. The current information on the website is valid for the current 2014/15 season and will be updated season to season as required.
There is much information to be found on the balletposition website, for dancers on a ‘need to know’ basis. Knowles consequently aims to inform them about basic rates of pay, and what to expect living as a dancer in various different countries. It is an informative, rather than negative, picture which is painted by the website, as it aims to be positive about joining companies, and inform about contracts and what to expect from them.
Most human actions are carried out based on recommendation, so the balletposition website is in good stead to provide viewpoints which will resonate with new dancers entering the dance industry. Whilst many dancers may have largely differing experiences, it is useful to hear word from someone who has had been in direct contact with the company a dancer may join one day.
The site also includes information on tax rates, pension schemes, holidays and available healthcare, which can often be difficult information to find.